Author: Janek Vind "waraxe"
Date: 27. September 2007
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Target software description:
NukeSentinel is anti-hacking sofware, used for protection phpnuke
against various security-related attacks.
Vulnerabilities: Critical Sql Injection in "nukesentinel.php"
Let's look at script "includes/nukesentinel.php" source code:
------------>[source code]<------------
function is_god($axadmin) {
global $db, $prefix, $aname;
$tmpadm = base64_decode($axadmin);
$tmpadm = explode(":", $tmpadm);
$aname = $tmpadm[0];
$apwd = $tmpadm[1];
if(!empty($aname) AND !empty($apwd)) {
$aname = trim($aname);
$apwd = trim($apwd);
$admrow = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM
`".$prefix."_authors` WHERE `aid`='$aname'"));
------------>[/source code]<-----------
So as seen in code snippet above, data from "base64_decode()" function
is used in sql query without any sanityze.
Now is the question, which part of the code uses this function.
Here is the answer:
------------>[source code]<------------
// AUTHOR Protection
$blocker_row = $blocker_array[5];
if($blocker_row['activate'] > 0) {
if(isset($op) AND ($op=="mod_authors" OR $op=="modifyadmin" OR
$op=="UpdateAuthor" OR $op=="AddAuthor" OR $op=="deladmin2" OR
$op=="deladmin" OR $op=="assignstories" OR $op=="deladminconf")
AND !is_god($_COOKIE['admin'])) {
------------>[/source code]<-----------
It's easy to see, that $_COOKIE['admin'] variable will be used as argument
for "is_god()" function. And we have another critical sql injetion in place.
I have written proof-of-concept blind injection exploit for this specific
case and it's working flawlessly.
Happy news to potential victims - developer has allready patched this security
hole in NukeSentinel with releasing new version - 2.5.12
//-----> See ya soon and have a nice day ;) <-----//
How to fix:
NukeSentinel's new version 2.5.12 is patched, so download it A.S.A.P.
Greets to ToXiC, LINUX, y3dips, Sm0ke, Heintz, slimjim100, Chb
and anyone else who know me!
Greetings to Raido Kerna.
Tervitusi Torufoorumi rahvale!
Janek Vind "waraxe"
Copyright © by Waraxe IT Security Portal All Right Reserved.
Published on: 2007-09-27 (18423 reads)
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