Author: Janek Vind "waraxe"
Date: 13. April 2007
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Target software description:
VWar module for PhpNuke
VWar is a webbased matchorganizing system for online gamers.
The complete output is realised by PHP with MySQL as database backend.
The system is divided into 2 parts, the public area and the admin area.
VWar 1.5.0 R15 is out.
fixed: mysql injection bug in extra/ files
// I guess, they have not fixed all the bugs yet :) //
Affected are Virtual War versions 1.5 R15 and below
Found security bugs: one critical sql injection and two XSS bugs.
There are probably more vulnerabilities, had no time for deeper analyze ...
1. XSS in "/modules/vwar/extra/today.php"
Problem is caused by uninitialized variable "$title". Successful exploitation requires that "register_globals" is "on"
in php settings.
2. XSS in "/modules/vwar/extra/login.php"
Similar to previous case this XSS is caused by uninitialized variable, in this time "$memberlist".
Successful exploitation requires that "register_globals" is "on" in php settings.
3. Critical sql injection bug in many VWar scripts
Personally, I like uninitialized variables in php source code. They are giving so much cool possibilities to
everyone, who is searching for secutity holes. And this serious sql injection case has his roots in same problem.
Let's look @ "/modules/vwar/extra/online.php" line 63:
----------------[ from source code ]------------------
$query = $vwardb->query("
SELECT memberid, name, lastactivity
FROM vwar".$n."_member WHERE lastactivity > ".(time() - $onlinetime * 60)."
----------------[ /from source code ]-----------------
And by the way - "$n" variable is not initialized! So what happens, if we issue this query:
Oops... We got error message:
-> Database Error: Invalid SQL:
SELECT memberid, name, lastactivity
FROM vwarwaraxe_member WHERE lastactivity > 1176476015
-> MySQL Error: Table 'victimdb.vwarwaraxe_member' doesn't exist
-> MySQL Error Number: 1146
-> Date: 11.04.2007 @ 18:03
-> Script: /modules/vwar/extra/online.php?n=waraxe
-> Referer:
Now, can we exploit this sql injection? Let's try next move:,@@version,3/*
It works!! Now it's time for more serious fun:
[[[[[ kidd0z - attentione ]]]]]
... and we get all vwar member usernames, password double-md5 hashes and emails
... and we have all the nuke admin usernames, md5 hashes and emails
... and finally, all the nuke user credentials in one big listing :)
R01 - Sentinel, Protector and other powerful phpnuke protection systems - they will not work
against this exploits. Because we are not entering from front door, but will use rear window :)
R02 - "register_globals" must be "on" for exploits to work
R03 - phpnuke table prefix can be changed from default, in this case - no nuke user and admin data!
R04 - there can be need for playing with "$n" value. Because vwar module installer can assaign different
values besides empty value. So if default exploit will not work, then this can be tried:
... and so on.
And because we have perfect sql error feedback, then it is easy to overcome various exploiting problems.
R05 - many other scripts in "extra" directory have same sql injection vulnerability!
See ya soon and have a nice day ;)
Greets to LINUX, Heintz, slimjim100, shai-tan, y3dips and all
other people who know me!
Special greets goes to Raido Kerna.
Tervitusi Torufoorumi rahvale!
Janek Vind "waraxe"
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Published on: 2007-04-13 (26033 reads)
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