Author: Janek Vind "waraxe"
Date: 08. May 2004
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Affected software description:
From readme file:
"Nuke jokes is an addon for PHPNuke. It has been tested with PHPNuke 6.0. It should
work with 6.5 and some lower versions but I haven't been able to test it. Nuke Jokes
allows you to have a database of jokes on your website. Jokes are sperated into different
categories to make them easier to find. It includes the ability to rate jokes, shows
how many views they've had and other information. Also includes a search engine. The
admin area allows you to add, edit and delete jokes and categories, install and uninstall
the database and validate user added jokes."
Author: Adam Webb
I have tested two different versions of NukeJokes: v1.7 and 2 Beta. They seems to have same
security bugs.
Well, what to say? I was really surprised, when saw NukeJokes source code - almost ALL
sql queries are WITHOUT ANY single quotes...
Wide area to practice sql injection attacks. And most user submitted parameters are not
sanitized at all, so full path disclosure and XSS cases exists there too. In fact, NukeJokes
has so many bugs, that i'm too lazy to count them all. So i will just bring some examples...
A. Full path disclosure:
B. Cross-site scripting aka XSS:
http://localhost/nuke72/modules.php?name=NukeJokes&func=CatView&cat=[xss code here]
http://localhost/nuke72/modules.php?name=NukeJokes&func=JokeView&jokeid=[xss code here]
C. Sql injection:
Example exploiting GET request:
and we can see superadmin's username and password's md5 hash with ease. Of course, mysql
has to be 4.x with UNION functionality enabled, to successful exploiting.
Ending words to author(s) - NukeJokes is based on good ideas, but must be rewritten in secure
way! This is not such big work - just add those single quotes to any sql queries and do sanitize
variables, passed to script by client browser, to avoid cross-site scripting and path disclosure
bugs. If you want some advise from me, you can always send an email and i will help.
Greets to Raido Kerna and to all bugtraq readers in Estonia! Tervitused!
Special greets to staff!
Janek Vind "waraxe"
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